Euthalia Fragrances Enchants Maison&Objet 2024: A Resounding Success

Stand Euthalia Fragrances a Maison&Objet 2024: esposizione di diffusori e vasi in ceramica raku di lusso, arredamento elegante con pannelli beige e rossi, design moderno e lineare. Donna con abito colorato sfocata in primo piano. Ambiente luminoso e accogliente per il marchio di fragranze di nicchia.

For the first time, Euthalia Fragrances had the honor of positioning its stand along the red carpet, the main corridor of Maison&Objet. This prestigious area, reserved for top-tier brands, allowed the Genoese maison to showcase its creations in a highly visible setting. The stand’s elegant and refined design captured the attention of all visitors, reaffirming Euthalia’s position as a reference point for aesthetics and innovation in the world of home fragrances.

An Olfactory Journey Between Tradition and Innovation

Throughout the five days of the fair, Euthalia Fragrances’ stand became a gathering place for industry professionals, clients from all over the world, and niche fragrance enthusiasts, offering them the opportunity to immerse themselves in a true olfactory journey. The collections on display ranged from traditional lines to special editions, each one capable of evoking deep emotions and transforming the domestic environment into a unique sensory experience.

Among the featured collections, the Raku Collection stood out for its roots in Japanese tradition and its distinctive design, which blends elegance and craftsmanship. Also highly appreciated were the special editions dedicated to two iconic symbols of Italian craftsmanship: Duomo Milano and Genova, both embodying style and cultural identity. Additionally, the holiday fragrance Spicy Gingerbread, crafted to evoke warm, enveloping feelings during the festive season, drew many visitors with its ability to stir memories and familiar sensations.

The Triumph of Oud Rose: The Latest Creation

One of the highlights of Euthalia Fragrances’ presence at Maison&Objet 2024 was the launch of Oud Rose, the maison’s latest creation. This fragrance, which blends the intensity and depth of oud wood with the delicate refinement of rose and saffron, won over the public. Visitors from all over the world expressed their admiration for the complexity and balance of this fragrance, which perfectly merges tradition and modernity.

Oud Rose is not just a fragrance; it is a true manifesto of Euthalia’s philosophy: creating perfumes that are unique, evocative, and capable of telling a story. This fragrance became a symbol of the maison’s commitment to constantly exploring new expressive forms in the world of perfumery.

Bianco d’Alba: An Exclusive Preview

Maison&Objet also served as the ideal platform for unveiling the next big project by Euthalia Fragrances: Bianco d’Alba, a brand-new fragrance set to officially launch on October 5th. Created in collaboration with the International Alba White Truffle Fair, this fragrance not only celebrates the prized white truffle but also pays tribute to the Langhe region, evoking its elegant, refined, yet earthy and woody characteristics.

Bianco d’Alba is a true olfactory masterpiece, capturing the essence of the land that produces one of the world’s most refined ingredients. Its sophisticated, complex notes evoke not only the scent of white truffle but also the aromas of the underwood, hills, and vineyards of the Langhe, blending earthy and woody notes with more delicate and sophisticated accents.

The result is a fragrance that surprises with its originality and carries the soul of a region rich in tradition, culture, and beauty. Visitors who had the chance to sample Bianco d’Alba at Maison&Objet were captivated by its complexity and its ability to transform the scent of white truffle into a unique and immersive olfactory experience. This fragrance promises to become one of the maison’s most iconic creations and will soon be available to the public.

International Success and New Opportunities

Maison&Objet 2024 proved to be an extraordinary success for Euthalia Fragrances, solidifying its role as a leader in the niche fragrance market and opening doors to new international markets. The fair provided an invaluable opportunity to connect with long-standing clients and potential new partners, strengthening relationships and creating opportunities for future projects and collaborations.

The interest and enthusiasm sparked by Euthalia’s creations demonstrate how the art of perfumery can continue to surprise and engage an ever-expanding audience. Through its unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and craftsmanship, Euthalia Fragrances has turned every challenge into a success.

See You in January 2025

With Maison&Objet 2024 now behind us, Euthalia Fragrances is already looking to the future. The next appointment will be in January 2025, when the maison will unveil new, unmissable surprises, continuing its path of excellence in niche perfumery.

Stay tuned for more updates and the next stages of this extraordinary journey into the world of home fragrances. 

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